Launceston's Favourite Florists, Ph: 03 63315723
Shop by Type
Shop by Occasion
Bouquet of 12 Long Stemmed Red Roses
Single Rose Wrapped
Vase of 24 Red Roses
Bouquet of 12 Long Stemmed Coloured Roses
Bouquet of 12 Premium Roses with Foliage
Bouquet of 24 Premium Roses
La La Land Gift Card
Bouquet of 24 Premium Roses with Foliage
Sparkling Wine & Chocolates
Flowers for the celebration of a new baby, get well or for a birthday we have an arrangement to suit...
Beautiful bouquets of assorted flowers for all occasions...
Wine, Chocs, Cards & More
Add a bottle of bubbles, delicious chocolates, a special gift card, a candle or a teddy bear, to your flower...